Most Livable Country In The World 

Have you ever dreamed of living in a country where the total cost of living is less than $1,000?

If so, you’ll be happy to know that the countries listed below offer just that.

This list is based on monthly housing and living expenses for a single person.

From the countries of the Far East to the tropical paradise of Central America, here are five countries with the best living conditions in the world.

Top 5 most livable countries in the world

The list of countries and numbers below has been compiled from various sources on the Internet, including Forbes, Wikipedia, and Nomad List.

Here are the top 5 most livable countries in the world:

5. Argentina costs:

Argentina is fifth on the list. In Salta, one of Argentina’s least expensive cities, an individual can pay just $542 a month for a month’s housing and living expenses.

Another Spanish-speaking country, Argentina is located in the southern half of South America.

It borders Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, the South Atlantic Ocean and the Drake Passage.

Argentina is the eighth largest country in the world and the second largest after Brazil, with a total population of just over 44 million and a land area of 2,780,400 km². Argentina is one of the cheapest countries in the world to live in, so if you’re considering living in Argentina, then a one-bedroom apartment can set you back $100 a month, or about $100 per night, depending on the time of year. You’ll be happy to know you can get one for $27. This is the city of Salta.

Eating out costs about $1.70, beer about $0.80, and coffee about $0.55. 

4. Cost in Vietnam:

Vietnam is one of the cheapest countries in the world, so living in Vietnam for a month can cost a whopping $500.

It is the easternmost country on the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia, bordering China, Laos and Cambodia.

About 95.5 million people live in Vietnam with a total area of 331,212 km². The capital is Hanoi, but the most populous city is Ho Chi Minh City. If you choose to stay in Na Trang, Vietnam’s cheapest city, you’ll be paying about $259 a month for a one-bedroom apartment in the city, or about $24 a night for an Airbnb.

Other essentials such as groceries, beer, and coffee cost about $0.58 for a cup of coffee, $0.86 for a beer, and $1.73 for a meal.

Vietnam has a lot to offer on the cheap, and like most places on our list, if you live there for a while, you’ll likely find even cheaper accommodations and activities.

3. Cost in Nepal:

Nepal is her third cheapest country in the world with over $500 per month. Nepal is located in Southeast Asia, mainly in the Himalayas, but also includes parts of the Indo-Gangetic Plain.

Currently, the total population is 29.3 million, living in an area of 147,181 km².

Nepal, which borders China and India, is her 48th largest country in the world by population and her 93rd largest by area.

In Pokhara, one of Nepal’s cheapest cities, you can get a one-bedroom studio he apartment for $164. Alternatively, spend about $23 a night on Airbnb.

A beer costs about $1, coffee about $0.73, and eating out about $2.08.

2. Costs in Bolivia:

Bolivia is a landlocked country in western South America. The current population is about 11.05 million, living in a total area of 1,098,581 km².

The capital of Bolivia is Sucre, and Bolivia is made up of a multi-ethnic society including American Indians, Africans, Asians, Europeans and mestizo.

Bolivia is her fifth largest country in South America and her 27th largest country in the world. Spanish speakers will be happy to know that Spanish is the official language and main language of Bolivia. However, 36 other indigenous languages are also spoken in the country.

A one-bedroom studio apartment in La Paz, one of Bolivia’s cheapest cities, costs about $145 a month, or about $23 a night on Airbnb.

Beer and coffee both cost about $1, and a typical meal costs $2 in total, so eating out isn’t expensive at all. 

1. Cost in Indonesia:

Indonesia is the cheapest country in the world. Indonesia or Republic of Indonesia lies between the Indian and Pacific oceans in Southeast Asia.

Consisting of approximately 17,000 islands, it is the world’s largest island nation with a total population of 264 million, making it the fourth largest country in the world.

There are places in Indonesia where prices are comparable to major western cities around the world, such as Bali and Jakarta. However, places like Senggigi on Lombok offer housing and living expenses for as little as $340 a month.

About $142 a month for a one-bedroom studio apartment, and for hotels he pays about $12 per night.

Major luxuries like beer, coffee and coconuts are only $0.89 for beer, $0.10 for coconut, $0.71 for coffee and $1.77 for food.

Indonesia is the most livable country in the world. 

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